• Registered UK Charity 1103895

Provide Desk and Chairs

Request For Desk And Chairs – Report On My Musoma Trip, 10/4/13

BETA charitable Trust will fund the cost for Desks and Chairs in Musoma. This school is registered under the name of MARA RURAL GOSPEL MINISTRY.which is under PENTECOSTAL ASSEMBLIES OF GOD CHURCH P.O.BOX 303 MUSOMA.

At present they are running 3 classes i e Junior Nursery,Senior Nursery and std 1.

In Junior and senior nursery they have 37 students and in std 1 they have 35 students. The school has started from January 2014 The school has 2 male and 2 female teachers, all qualified teachers according to Pastor Mukasi Manumbu.

For nursery student, they charge tshs 10,000/= per month ie tshs 120,000/= per annum and for std 1 students they charge tshs 250,000/= per annum.

According to pastor Manumbu, most of the students are children leaving in difficult conditions, orphans both single and double.

They provide porridge daily to all students around 11.30 am and they have a bus which goes around to collect and leave student before and after the classes are over. They also provide full uniforms.

The chairs you see in the photos are from their church which they bring to school every Monday mornings and take them back on every Fridays so that they can be used on SUNDAYS PRAYERS in the Church. This exercise costs them tshs 30,000/= every week in terms of transport.

They need 60 desks immediately and decent toilets and flooring of two classes at least as the photos are self-explanatory.

The school is 225 km from Mwanza ONE WAY, so up and down is 450 km.

60 desks will cost tshs 6,600,000/= and 1 set of 10 toilets will tshs 14,000,000/= due to distance and extra hand washing facilities we are introducing. Approximate costs without transport will about tshs 20,600,000/= ie ukp 8583 at the rate of 2400/= per one ukp.

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