Sponsoring 30 students learning tailoring
Honorary Jenista Joackim Mhagama, the Minister of State, Prime Minister’s Office (Policy, Parliamentary Affairs, Labour, Youth, Employment and Persons with Disability) today visited the Mirongo Vocational Training center center in Mwanza city with intention of upgrading the present standard of the prmises
The Desk and Chair Foundation is fully sponsoring 30 students learning tailoring,electrical installation,carpentry and welding courses and provide one good meal to 50 people in this VTC on daily basis
Her delegation was accompanied by her deputy minister,secretaries our DC and RC representatives and other stakeholders
The center have capacity to of sixty students ie 40 in boarding and 20 day students
TDCF is in process to renovate to good standard so that it works in full capacity and in meantime the ministry is working on to build a more modern center that will accommodate more phisically challenged person
She thanked TDCF for great support to the physically challenged people
May the Almighty fulfill everybody’s dreams in this and repay the donors abundantly here and here after
The short clip worth listening till end
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