‘ 50 solar huts installed in 5 villages. This was donated by Family of Late Abdallah Fazal who used to live in the same region of Kagera’.
50 Solar Huts Installed
News & Updates
The third village solar light that was donated as sadaqat
Alhamdullilah today we have managed to install the third village solar light that was donated as sadaqat il jaaria by Qureshi family
..2022-08-02 09:31:24
TDCF will install in 80 village grass huts 6 bulbs SOLAR LIGHTS
Starting 22/7/22 to 2/8/22 TDCF will install in 80 village grass huts 6 bulbs SOLAR LIGHTS and mobile phones charging facilities
2022-08-02 07:42:31
Madressa Project complete with Solar-Power and a Water-Well
With the grace of Almighty Allah SWT and your support, the Madressa project is now complete with Solar power and a water w..
2022-05-03 05:44:48
Solar for a Local Mosque
‘Solar for a local mosque, donated in memory of Mr Noorali Bhamani ‘.
Installing Solar Lights Sets In Mud Bricks And Grass Roofed Huts
Today 8/6/2021 TDCF have resumed installing solar lights sets in mud bricks and grass roofed huts in the villages around Mwanza region
2021-06-09 11:32:10
Desk and Chair foundation install more solar light
The Desk and Chair foundation install more solar light in deep villages grass roof and mud huts
To date almost 300 poor village fam..
2021-04-05 05:36:44
Solar Sets
50 families leaving in the grass and mud walls house have today benefited from installation of solar lights replacing the old version ker..
2021-02-19 10:06:13