• Registered UK Charity 1103895


Ian Hope who did bike ride for tdcf

From one end of France to the other:
UK adventurer, Ian Hope, undertook this challenge on behalf of the Desk and Chair Foundation in August 2019: “Fresh water should be a right, not a privilege”.

Starting from the northern French coast at Ouistreham close to the port town of Caen he cycled a distance of 870 miles (an average around 62 miles a day) with some longer days in the flatter areas and some shorter days in the hillier areas. Finishing near Nice on the Mediterranean coastline 14 days later.
He undertook serious long climbs in 40 degree heat through the Massif Central, The Ardeche, and Provence – especially when he climbed the iconic Mont Ventoux. (Height 1912m).

Mr Hope has raised enough money for a well which should be completed soon.

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