• Registered UK Charity 1103895

About Us


Welcome to The Desk and Chair Foundation (TDCF) website, a charitable trust fully registered with the United Kingdom Charity Commission (Registration number – 1103895). TDCF’s mission is to provide Tanzanian communities with access to clean water, clean sanitation, desks and chairs for schools, aids in mobility, food aid, dignity with supporting families during burials, financial, medical and vocational education support for needy families . TDCF’s actions are based on it’s intimate and thorough understanding of the social and cultural needs of the local communities.

Our Mission is to provide localised support to smaller communities, so as to make a massive and substantial impact to their lives.

Our Parents and our generation were all born in Mwanza. We all did our primary and secondary education in Mwanza, Tanzania.
To pursue a life long ambition of studying, we all emigrated to Europe and America. Finishing our studies, we all have settled in the West. We all feel greatly indebted to this beautiful country.We have discussed in great detail, the different ways of helping and aiding our fellow countrymen and women. Tanzania gave us the opportunity to acquire a high standard of primary and secondary education. At present, we feel there is a big gap in providing education and specific skills for students who are unable to pursue studies due to financial difficulties or have failed the national exams are hence unable to continue.
These pictures are of Mwanza, Tanzania, where the trustees and their family were born and educated

It was clear to all of us that after visiting home in Mwanza, we all felt it was time we gave something back to the country and its people. The Tanzanians welcomed my grandfather in early 1900, when he emigrated with his family from Gujarat, India. Since then, Tanzania has been the mother country to our family.

We have formed a charitable trust to be registered with the United Kingdom Charity Commission. The charity is called ‘THE DESK & CHAIR FOUNDATION’. We have registered the charity to make it fully transparent & accountable with the rules & regulations of the UK charity commission. We will also benefit from great tax benefits [Gift Aid] available from donations given by a UK taxpayer. The TDCF yearly accounts will have to be submitted to the charity commission and can be accessed from their website. The Desk & Chair Foundation registration number is 1103895

The initial funding will be raised from family members, and once the TDCF has established a record of providing education to needy children, we will approach outside donors and corporate companies for donations.

Read a bit about Tanzania Demographics

Trustees & Founder Members

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