• Registered UK Charity 1103895

Current Appeals

Current Appeals

Young Yusufu was born phisically challenged and since he was six months old

Young Yusufu was born phisically challenged and since he was six months old TDCF has been supporting him throughout with support items for easing his disabilities and his education also in a private school

This is where the sadaqat,zakat,nazreaam funds that we receive from donors are spent
The small clip from his mother is self explanatory
TDCF has more than 50 such phisically challenged acute cases that needs financial support for their basic needs of life support

We appeal for continued financial support for these type of cases and thank and pray for all the donors to Allah to repay them abundantly here and hereafter

The desk & chair foundation in the pursuit of eliminating darkness in rural areas.

The desk & chair foundation in the pursuit of eliminating darkness in rural areas.

A car accident victim needs a PROSTHESIS LEG

Mr JR is a car accident victim needs a PROSTHESIS LEG so that he resumes his normal life as a farmer.
The prosthesis leg would cost tshs 1m/-
USD $ 435, AUD $ 667,Canadian $ 667 or UKP £ 335

This costs includes up an down transport to hospital and exercise for one week till it fits well and he is able to walk properly.

The Desk and chair have about 20 requests if similar cases every year. Anyone wishing to donate please contact
Sibtain Meghjee on
Or email us via the website www.tdcf.org.uk

You can support by donating for shallow wells

This is situation in some villages where kids and women take water from ditches. You can support by donating for shallow wells

Appeal for building waiting bay at Nyamagana district health center.

Salaams everybody,

TDCF is planning to start to build a simple waiting bay for parents at our Nyamagana district health center.

This center caters to about 120 patients daily and as you can see the patients be it, babies, children, parents and elderly all waiting outside in all weathers waiting to be called inside by the doctor.

The photos you see where the Toyota hardtop is parked is where the maternity clinic is done on a daily basis.

The charges for the treatment are only 2000/- per patient.
The center is highly subsidized by the Government and I C H I F (IMPROVED COMMUNITY HEALTH INSURANCE FUND)

Which is tshs 30,000/- per family of six people per annum ie tshs 5000/- per head per annum.

The approximate cost of the waiting bay is tshs 12m/-
ie ukp £4000 (rate 3000/- average)

The shelter will accommodate 120 people from the protection of the African sunlight and rain.

TDCF has been given the building permit and once we get a doner we can start the work immediately.

They will allow us to put a plaque mentioning donor names and other educational messages Re health issues.

On one side we will build a full wall and a blackboard will be painted so the waiting bay can also be used for providing health-related education to these poor citizens and also conduct blood donation drives as availability of blood donors is an issue due to lack of knowledge to the public at large.

Please contact us if you need any further information on this. Thank you.

Assistance required for Sister NF to pay the course fee.

Sister NF is a second year students at CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY OF HEALTH AND ALLIANCE SCIENCES studying pharmaceutical course.

This course is of three years.

She is stuck in her second year university fees amounting 1,980,000/- and has been expelled from her studies till she pays her dues in full so that she continues her studies and become independent and serve the community and her family who are looked after by a single mother.

This is equivalent to
USD $ 860

UKP 660

C$. 1320

AUD $ 1320



We are humbly requesting help to rescue the situation of this candidate.

All wishing to assist please contact

Alhajj Sibtain P L Meghjee on


Relevant documents are attached for reference

Please assist in forwarding this appeal to potential donors so that situation is saved and in case any surplus collected we will advance the amount for third year ia

School children were assisted with books, uniforms, shoes and desks

While the schools have now opened recently the desk and chair foundation today assisted about 250 secondary school children with between 9 to 12 counter books and other requirements like uniforms and shoes.

Similarly, the primary school children have also assisted with ten normal exercise books and other requirements like complete uniforms and in some cases desks also.

All these were funded from material sadaqat like exercise books and cash sadaqat,zakaat,nazreaam and alike charity donation received fro different donors.

Education assistance being highly recommended, this activity has been one of the most successful projects undertaken recently.

We thank all the well-wishers for their support which had made more than 500 children of poor families go to school in time as required and join the fellow students in their secular studies.

May the Almighty repay all the donors and well-wishers abundantly here and hereafter ia


TDCF to handover classrooms and desks for students at Mabatini Primary School

TDCF Very recently built classroom sponsored by Welfare Aid International of Australia and the 18 desks donated by family of Late GB Damji and two desks by other two donors will now be handed over to the authorities for use for std VII students at Mabatini primary school.

This type of construction of a classroom from START TO FINISH costs about tshs 22m/- and it accommodate about seventy students comfortably.

This type of project is best ever SADAQAT IL JAARIA PROJECT AND can be built by using sadaqat, zakaat, nazreaam, radde madhalim and alike charity funds.

Due to heavy shortage of classrooms in the country donors are requested to consider as FIRST PRIORITY PROJECT TO ASSIST THE PUBLIC at large
This can also be done jointly as group
Any one wishing to participate in constructing classrooms in the loving memories of the beloved one please contact Sibtain Meghjee on +255784783413

TDCF reaches a Milestone

TDCF reaches a Milestone… Thank you all especially M V LATEST NEWS GROUP.

Wheelchair no 400 was handed over MZEE D who got both of his legs amputated due to diabetes and recently lost eyesight on both of his eyes due to cataract and diabetes.
After his amputation, he has been totally housebound and has a big family of nine people to feed daily.
Some children are still schooling and the two eldest have no jobs.

As from now, TDCF will help the family food from monthly family food relief program that goes to 50 families every month from funds collected.
Mr. D will also attend eye clinic on Monday and see the specialist for possible cataract surgery to solve the eyesight issue.
He will also see the specialist for possible prosthesis limbs to make him more mobile.

Appeal for school, college, university fees

Mr YHY was today handed over with a brand new laptop to help him in university studies. He has been under TDCF sponsorship since his first year in his A level in Magu district.

He hails from Kigoma and comes from a very down to earth, humble and poor family background. His school academic performance is excellent as both his O levels and A levels he has scored division one as his results certificate shows. He has now been selected to join one of the best universities in TZ THE SOKOINNE UNIVERSITY to persue a five years course in vetenary medicine.

Becides loan from the loan board, TDCF will top up the full shortfall so that he can complete his studies smoothly an be useful to serve the country.

His first year costs amounting to tshs 2.7 m/- have been paid advance in full and from Friday he will be oficillay joining his course at university
We wish him all the best and thank the donor taking care of his education expenses

TDCF literally has hundreds of applications for school, college and universities fees. Please contact us if you can help.

Donate bicycles and help students

Mr AM who is a first year A level student (Form V) at Pamba secondary school in Mwanza city who leaves at Kiseke area that is almost 10 km away from the school. He normally walks about 20 km back and forth.

He was today handed over a brand new bicycle, donated by a well wisher from Toronto so that he can now attend school less tired and reach back home earlier to help his parents in domestic work and continue studying at home with more time.

Such a bicycle costs about tshs 250,000/- (£ 86 / usd $110 / C$ 167 / AUD$ 167)

TDCF have many applications for bicycles from students. If you would like to help, please contact us.

Donate Sewing machines to start tailoring classes

Four sewing machines were today handed over by TDCF to Muleba villagers in Kagera region to open up a tailoring class in the village for ladies. This tailoring classes will accommodate 40 women daily in four shifts of ten women and they will learn tailoring skills within six months and start earning and help bringing up their families. If you want to donate a sewing machine, please contact us.

TDCF runs sewing classes for adults

TDCF runs sewing classes for adults who never got chance to go to school or had to drop out because of difficulty with fees. These children from Foundation Karibu Tanzania orphanage are wearing clothes made at the TDCF sewing classes. If you want to help with sponsoring students, please contact us.

Donate a well in small villages

Please sponsor a well to ease hardship in small villages. Please contact TDCF for more information.

Wheelchairs and Tricycles for Disabled

TDCF strive to improve the situation by sponsoring many students in Tanzania…

Access to Clean and Clear Water

Many people in africa do not have access to safe water, and fewer yet receive even…

Ensure Education For Every Child

TDCF strive to improve the situation by sponsoring many students in Tanzania…

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