Appeal for building waiting bay at Nyamagana district health center.
Salaams everybody,
TDCF is planning to start to build a simple waiting bay for parents at our Nyamagana district health center.
This center caters to about 120 patients daily and as you can see the patients be it, babies, children, parents and elderly all waiting outside in all weathers waiting to be called inside by the doctor.
The photos you see where the Toyota hardtop is parked is where the maternity clinic is done on a daily basis.
The charges for the treatment are only 2000/- per patient.
The center is highly subsidized by the Government and I C H I F (IMPROVED COMMUNITY HEALTH INSURANCE FUND)
Which is tshs 30,000/- per family of six people per annum ie tshs 5000/- per head per annum.
The approximate cost of the waiting bay is tshs 12m/-
ie ukp £4000 (rate 3000/- average)
The shelter will accommodate 120 people from the protection of the African sunlight and rain.
TDCF has been given the building permit and once we get a doner we can start the work immediately.
They will allow us to put a plaque mentioning donor names and other educational messages Re health issues.
On one side we will build a full wall and a blackboard will be painted so the waiting bay can also be used for providing health-related education to these poor citizens and also conduct blood donation drives as availability of blood donors is an issue due to lack of knowledge to the public at large.
Please contact us if you need any further information on this. Thank you.