TDCF to handover classrooms and desks for students at Mabatini Primary School
TDCF Very recently built classroom sponsored by Welfare Aid International of Australia and the 18 desks donated by family of Late GB Damji and two desks by other two donors will now be handed over to the authorities for use for std VII students at Mabatini primary school.
This type of construction of a classroom from START TO FINISH costs about tshs 22m/- and it accommodate about seventy students comfortably.
This type of project is best ever SADAQAT IL JAARIA PROJECT AND can be built by using sadaqat, zakaat, nazreaam, radde madhalim and alike charity funds.
Due to heavy shortage of classrooms in the country donors are requested to consider as FIRST PRIORITY PROJECT TO ASSIST THE PUBLIC at large
This can also be done jointly as group
Any one wishing to participate in constructing classrooms in the loving memories of the beloved one please contact Sibtain Meghjee on +255784783413