• Registered UK Charity 1103895

How to Help

The Desk and Chair Foundation’s undertakes small projects in which the costs are kept to a minimum but the benefit to Tanzanians & their localcommunities are massive.

 The Desk and Chair Foundation, Units SCF 1&2, South Core,  Western International Market Centre, Hayes Road, Southall, Middlesex, UB2 5XJL

If you are a UK taxpayer, please download the Gift Aid form & send it with your cheque to our head office. Gift Aid allows us to reclaim from the government the basic-rate tax on all your cash donations. For every £1 donated, we can claim 28 pence from Inland Revenue.
>> Click here to download the Gift Aid form.

Read a bit about:

TDCF with collaboration with numerous companies like Peak Tours Cycling and Walking Holidays can organise these challenges. TDCF has places at London Marathion and Manchester 10 km yearly running events. If you are interested, please get in touch by visiting the ‘contact us’ page. Some supporters of TDCF have oraganised their own challenges and raised money for TDCF.

TDCF Projects

Due to a lack of money many families are not able to bury their loved one with the dignity they deserve. The TDCF burial kits comprise of a Kafan (shroud), gloves, camphor, soap, needle and thread. The cost of one kit is just £5, about a 1/3 of the average monthly wage for a mwananchi wa Tanzania (citizen of Tanzania).

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A wheelchair for a disabled person costs £90. Providing wheelchairs gives people their independence and the chance of earning money in street businesses.

Tricycle: A tricycle which is made locally costs approximately £110.
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Via sponsorship TDCF strives to improve the educational prospects of many students in Tanzania. Initiatives include:

  • Bilal Sewing Classes cost £20 per student for a 6 months course
  • Bilal Computer Class costs £20 per student for a 6 months course
  • Mirongo Technical College Day School for Disabled Students costs between £50 and £100 per student per year depending on the course chosen
  • Sengerema Technical School which is a boarding school costs between £150 and £200 per student per year depending on the course chosen
  • Provide plastic desks & chairs for nursery classes (£3 per set)
  • Provide new desks & chairs for primary & secondary schools (3 seater approximately £40, 1 seater approximately £20)
  • Repair of old desks & chairs for primary & secondary schools (approximately £3 per set)

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The access to clean water can be difficult for many small communities in Tanzania. TDCF helps by funding the construction of shallow wells and public water taps in places identified to be most in need around the country.

  • A shallow well costs approximately £1250 to construct.
  • Repair of an old well can cost between £200-£400.
  • A public water tap costs between £100 and £150 pounds to build and construct.
  • A rain harvesting scheme can cost approximately £200-£250.

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TDCF has raised money for the medical treatment of patients and are continuously trying to raise funds to help sick Tanzanians.

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At TDCF we would like to hear your ideas for projects which will help those in need in Tanzania. We can make dreams come true like giving the 4 year old opposite an operation to correct congenital heart disease. We look forward to hearing your ideas!

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