• Registered UK Charity 1103895

Community building

The desk and Foundation recently handed over school equipment’s

The desk and Foundation recently handed over school equipments like mathematical sets,writting pens,rurals,pencills and erasors for 300 primary school students in Lindi district as an ecouragement gift for better performance during the recent examinations

The Mashujja FM radio of Lindi region represented TDCF to the Hon District Commissioner of Lindi District for handing over to desrving students of yhe Lindi District

Our sincere appreciation and thanks goes to Mashuja FM radio for their cooporation and facilitating this on our behalf
Through Mashuja Fm we managed to save life of one resident who was sucessfully treated at Muhimbili referal Hospital and also very recently seven shallow wells were handed over in seven villages in Lindi district which was also received by the DC of the area

The two audio clips are worth listening for encouraging these children for better and highe school performance
We thank the donors for their support in our charitable projects
May the Almighty bless all supporters ia

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