• Registered UK Charity 1103895

Provide Clean Water

Shallow well no 444 handed over to DESHI in the village of NYABUNINZA

On today’s great occasion of The Day of MERAJ shallow well no 444 was handed over to sub village of DESHI in the village of NYABUNINZA in MATABA WARD IN MASWA DISTRICT IN the new SIMIYU REGION

This shallow well was handed Over and donated by the family in the loving memories late Alhajj Gulamrazabhai Pyarali Dewji of DAR es salaam

According to the village chairman
This shallow well will benefit about 470 villagers on daily basis

The villagers were sincerely thank full and prayed for the well being of the donors and their families and also prayed for the departed soul for whose loving memories this well was donated,to Rest In Peace and in the proximity of HIS CHOSEN ONES

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