• Registered UK Charity 1103895

Provide Clean Water

Well 129

Shallow well no 129 was handed over to villagers of Nyang’homango village in Misungwi District.

This shallow well was kindly donated by MS.Brothers Engineering Works limited of Mwanza city.

The villagers thanked the donors and prayed for well being of the donor.

Prior to this well the villagers had to walk a long distance to fetch water. This well will be able to serve 200 people per day.

The ladies of this village will now be able to participate in other development activities of the village as now they will not have to go a long distance to fetch water and the children also will now be able to attend school in time and get time to study, do homework and rest.

Status: Completed July 2011
Notes:  Well 129 has been sponsored by MS.Brothers Engineering Works limited of Mwanza city.

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