• Registered UK Charity 1103895

Provide Clean Water

well no 396

Shallow well no 396 was handed over to the villagers of Sanga in Busega District in new Simiyu region on Monday 5/8/19.

The well will serve about 250 families that live in the neighborhood of this well. Average it will serve the population of 1250 people on daily basis.

The well has been donated by the family in the loving memories of of Late Alhajj Ramzanali And his wife late Sikinabai Ramzanali Sumar.

Both and their families were one time resident of Mwanza and Alhajj Ramzanali bhai was a our Madressa teacher in Mwanza Jamaat.

If we today are able to say our daily prayers,read Quran and duas it is thanks to Late Ramzanali bhai for his tireless efforts in the madressa.


‘’Teachers are best parents ‘’

May the Almighty rest his and his wife’s souls amongst the proximity of the 14 infallible and protect the families from all worldly calamities ia
The recipients villagers and leaders were very happy and sincerely thank full for the timely assistance of the water well.

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