• Registered UK Charity 1103895

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Medical Appeal for Emanuel John

We have been approached by the mother of EMANUEL JOHN (7 MONTHS OLD) for financial assistance of tshs 900,000/= (=usd $600 at rate of 1500 per dollar). Emmanuel was born physically challenged (disabled) and according to doctor from BIO HEALTH CENTRE Emanuel is suffering from conditions called MULTIPLE SKELETAL & SOFT TISSUE ANOMALIES AND HYDROCEPHALUS.

According to the mother of EMANUEL DAR ES SALAAMS BASED CCBRT HOSPITAL is ready to treat the child as the condition is treatable at cost of tshs 1,500,000/=. The family has tshs 600000/= with them and they are asking for assistance of shortfall of tshs 900000/= (USD $ 600). The specialist doctors at CCBRT hospital will be available till 23/1/11, hence they need to rush so that this little ANGEL can be treated and lead a better life. Please contact us if you can help.

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