• Registered UK Charity 1103895


Event 12: Mancester 10k run, May 2007

Congratulations to all those who ‘sweated it out’ at the Manchester 10K run om May 20th 2007. It was a hot day with a carnival atmosphere. 28,000 runners participated!


    • Well 49 was sponsored by friends and family members of Mr Haider Meghjee of Toronto, Canada who ran the BUPA 10km Manchester Run in 2007. To say thank you or ‘asante sana’ the villagers presented a chicken to Mr Sibtain ‘Captain’ Meghjee, a representative of TDCF.
    • Well 53 was donated by the family and friends of Mr Haider Meghjee who ran the 2007 Manchester BUPA 10km Run.
    • Well 54 was sponsored by Mr Andrew Ramage, Mr Adam Spackman, Mrs Sarah Pearce and members of the PV Charity Fund who ran the BUPA 10Km Run in 2007. The villagers say ‘asante sana’ for all their effort and help.
    • Well 56 was sponsored by Dr. Joe Hogg (London Marathon2008), Dr. Thirumaran and John Keogh (BUPA Manchester 10km 2007). This well was built in a small village school. TDCF sponsored the building of VIP toilets in the same school last year.
    • Well 57 was sponsored by Dr. Joanna Gordon and Dr. Olga Eyre who ran the BUPA Manchester 10km Run in 2007. Half of the funding was raised by Miss Anna Williams who organised a 10km walk round Grosmont in the North Yorshire Moors.

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