• Registered UK Charity 1103895


Event 18 – 2008 BUPA Great Manchester 10km Run

On May 18th 2008, more than 20 runners ran the BUPA Manchester 10km Run in aid of TDCF. This is the highest number of participants yet for TDCF. The running conditions on the day were perfect and the atmosphere was electric. The runners were: Samantha Stephens, Parry Blaxill, Joe Hogg, Lorna Stephens, Monty Meghjee, Kirpal Kaur, Daniel Watkins, Susan Hope, Kamal Rahman, Trevor Stapleton, Abbas Basheer Meghjee, Glynne Williams, Mark Tyrell, Dan Watkins, Kathryn Rafferty, Julie Refferty, Jill Andrew, Vivek Naliga, John Keogh, Mustafa Meghjee, Sanjay Bangad, Smita Bangad, Jasper Ahuja, Fatima Meghjee, Jasheen Kandhari, Caroline Everett and Sam Ruthmaryllis. A total of approximately £10,000 pounds was raised in the Manchester and Edinburgh 2008 runs.

Sanjay and Smita Bangad’s Day

“We did it! It was a wonderful day with a fantastically electric atmosphere. We did better than we expected really and finished it together. So far we have collected £362.00 on and offline for TDCF. Thanks for introducing us to such a wonderful occasion.”

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